Monday 24 December 2012

Acts Lead to Understanding

My child when I bring colourful toys
to you and as I give you these gifts
I understand why the clouds, the water
and the flowers are painted in tints.

When I sing to make you dance
I know why there is music in leaves
and waves with their singing chorus
to the heart of the listening earth.

When I bring sweet things to your hands
that greedily grab I know why there is honey
in the cup of the flowers and why fruits
are over-flowing with sweet juice.

When I kiss your cheeks my darling, and make
you smile I surely understand the pleasure streaming
from the sky in the morning light and the delight
the summer breeze brings to my body.

Adopted from Tagore’s Gitanjali, poem 62
(This is also in Tagore’s Crescent Moon, poem 09)

Henry Victor          23.12.2012

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